Young Adults (20s | 30s)
Bible Study
WHAT? Bible study of 2 Timothy. JR Caines leads discussion.
WHO? Age 20s and 30s (If you need to bring a baby/toddler, no problem.) Bring friends even if they don't attend worship.
WHERE? We meet on the first floor of the fellowship hall. The fellowship hall is the lower and smaller of our two buildings. Enter the outside door in the parking lot. Once inside enter the second door on the left.
WHEN? Sunday 9:30 am (45 minutes).
The Way
Age 20s.
Discipleship. Practical discussion of how to walk the way of Jesus.
Wednesdays 7pm.
Big classroom by the sanctuary. Follow the signs.
Leader: JR Caines.
Small group
After the worship service.
At the Gildernew’s house.
Two Sundays a month.
(Ask someone at worship for more details.)