
The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.”

We eat real bread and drink real wine every Sunday in obedience to Jesus Christ. He strengthens our faith and obedience by this meal we call the Lord’s supper (or holy communion or eucharist).

Worship | 10:30am

Our worship has four stages: Song, Word, Prayer, Supper.


(423) 867-7295

4919 Court Drive, East Ridge, TN 37412

J. R. Caines | Pastor

Aaron Anand | Youth Director

Mindy Giles | Children’s Ministry Director

& Administrative Director

Katie Huffine | Music Director

Anna Breed | Girl’s Leader

Philip Huffine | Audio-Visual Director


Young Adults (20s | 30s)

Bible Study. Sunday at 9:30am. JR.

The Way. Discipleship. Wednesday 7pm. Age 20s. JR.

Small group (2 Sundays a month)


Meal. Monthly. Supper/Breakfast. Thursdays/Saturdays.

Men’s Events.

Men’s Retreats. Yearly.

Men’s Class. Weekly. Wednesday 6:45pm. Theology. Jason Giles.

Men’s Prayer. Monthly. 1st Saturday at 8am. Jason Giles.


Women's Encouragement. Weekly. Wednesday 6:45pm. Bible study.

Women’s Events.

Showers for marriage or first baby.

MIXED (men & women)

Sunday School for Adults. 9:30am. Led by the elders.

Couples group. 2 Sundays a month.

Theology/Apologetics group. Second Sunday.

Servant's Heart. Bible study. Tuesday 2pm. Bill Grisham.

Meals: 1. Wed 6 pm (weekly).

2. Third Sunday lunch (monthly).

3. Fellowship Sunday lunch (quarterly).



Sunday School. 9:30 am. Bible study. Aaron.

High School. Sun 6pm. Teaching. Small groups. Aaron. Anna.

Middle School. Wed 6:30pm. Teaching. Small groups. Aaron. Anna.



One-on-ones with Aaron or Anna.


Sunday School. 9:30am. Bible study. Various teachers.

ERPC Kids. Wed 6:30pm. Redemptive History. Mindy.

Small Group. Monthly. 4th-6th grade. Systematic Theology. Bible Basics. Mindy.



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